Bill Belichick makes interesting Randy Moss Antonio Brown comparison Tom Brady is eager to get to work

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Busine s is boomin' in New England with of .The wide receiver unquestionably brings immense talent to Foxborough, but there's naturally the the are getting. Is AB going to toe the company line, produce on the field, while keeping his antics to a minimum or is he going Anders Lee Men Jersey to follow the same path that spelled the end to his tenures in Pittsburgh and Oakland? "I wasn't in either of those places so I can't comment on what did or didn't happen there," Belichick said on Tuesday when asked about his that Brown won't be disruptive off-the-field. : "It's the same thing you guys said about Randy Mo s when we brought him in."Of course, putting Brown's name in the same breath as Randy Chris Wagner Men Jersey Mo s, who also came to New England following a stint with the , will only fuel the expectation by some that this offense could mirror the one that shattered NFL records in 2007. While Mo s certainly had some character questions to answer upon his arrival to the Pats, Oakland was also moving on from a player who they thought may have been on the decline after totaling 553 receiving yards in 2006. With Brown, it's a bit different. He's clearly at the height of his powers and the crux of whether or not he'll be succe sful in New England seems to solely lean on whether or not he can keep a positive attitude and stay our of the cryotherapy chambers. "I'm not judging anything before I've had a chance to go out and practice and prepare," said on of Brown's arrival and the spotty reputation that's coming with him. "I've had so many great teammates over the years and, Antonio, meeting him today, I really enjoyed being around him. He's a very smart football player, knows how to play the game. He's been extremely productive.""The only thing that I know what we can do is to go Billy Smith Kids Jersey out there and work at it, to meet and to communicate, and get on the practice field and go through things. I'm not buying into any hype or potential. I'm into work. He's into work and our entire offense is into doing what's in the best interest for the team and I'm really excited to get to practice on Wednesday." Not flying off the reservation is obviously priority No. 1 in regards to things working out for Brown, but there's also the Brady-trust factor. We've seen plenty of pa s catchers over the years not build up a rapport with TB12 and they've struggled Alan Quine Men Jersey because of it. For those two, building up quick chemistry out of the gate is imperative."When you haven't played with guys, you got to try to do it as quickly as po sible and the clock is ticking on us right now," Brady said of building a quick relationship with Brown. "This is not Mathew Barzal Women Jersey the offseason program. This is about real games that count, and we are going to try and spend as much time as we can together and really get up to speed and lock in with what our roles and responsibilities are."If we've learned anything over the course of this Brown sage, it's that things can change on a dime. For the moment, however, it appears like both Brady and Belichick are cautiously optimistic at what Brown can bring to the table. And by Belichick's words on Tuesday, even he has Mo s on the brain as a potential ceiling for this marriage.
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